In a digital world its underlayment is translated into 0 or 1 , a bit or binary digit. A logic signal of 2 evolved from limiting electric & magnetic currents to on or off [ + || - ] reducing the fields to a dipole of north and south , a loaded positive / negative stream. This base-2 |- language of human communication techniques needs to be encrypted / deciphered to other bases and languages as being meaningful for complex life forms ( maths and words )

base-2 >>>

There were other options, a base-3 ternary computer was produced with 0,1,2 trits as input/output. Usage of the ground/earth leakage currents results in lower electricity consumption. Economics and Moore's law overruled the production of ternary computers, a product of computational efficiency close to base-e which has the lowest radix economy. Balanced base-3 \-/ has the possibility of negative space calculations [ −1 || 0 || +1 ] A terrain filled with bumps and holes were gatekeepers are masters ( true, unknown, false )

base-3 >>>

Upcoming Quantum computers try to make sense of quantum mechanics, atoms and subatomic particles, frozen in qubits. Quantum computers think in 0 or 1 or "something in between". The quantum state of a qubit could be any position mapped on the Bloch sphere. Although the latitude position on the sphere has a wide range of variety, reading the probability of the northern Bloch sphere [ 0 ] and the southern positions [ 1 ] gives an output of zeros or ones. Shifting the poles in a magnetic XYZ direction results in different gates to calculate the spin. The "somewhere in between" is a way of looking at frozen waves, is the surf up or down depending on time of measurement, and bumping on other waves will flatten or exaggerate the superposition.

base-10 >>>
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"Hello, world!" = a string for computer program languages basic syntax understanding.

ASCII to BASE conversions :
"Hello, world!" > base-2 = 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100001 "Hello, world!" > base-3 = 002200 010202 011000 011000 011010 001122 001012 011102 011010 011020 011000 010201 001020 "Hello, world!" > base-4 = 1020 1211 1230 1230 1233 0230 0200 1313 1233 1302 1230 1210 0201 "Hello, world!" > base-6 = 0200 0245 0300 0300 0303 0112 0052 0315 0303 0310 0300 0244 0053 "Hello, world!" > base-8 = 110 145 154 154 157 054 040 167 157 162 154 144 041 "Hello, world!" > base-10 = 72 101 108 108 111 44 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 "Hello, world!" > base-11 = 066 092 099 099 0a1 040 02a 0a9 0a1 0a4 099 091 030 "Hello, world!" > base-16 = 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21 "Hello, world!" > base-24 = 30 45 4c 4c 4f 1k 18 4n 4f 4i 4c 44 19 "Hello, world!" > base-32 = 28 35 3c 3c 3f 1c 10 3n 3f 3i 3c 34 11 "Hello, world!" > base-36 = 20 2t 30 30 33 18 0w 3b 33 36 30 2s 0x "Hello, world!" > base-58 = 72k1xXWG59wUsYv7h2 "Hello, world!" > base-62 = 1wJfrzvdbthTq5ANZB "Hello, world!" > base-64 = SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ== "Hello, world!" > base-85 = 87cURD_*#TDfTZ)+T

The higher the base number the shorter the flow of input/output with more unique identifiers (UID). Passing these raw values through the network of copper cables, fiber optics, or wireless, although it speeds up the transfer of data, it becomes harder to distinguish a UID. Reading the gibberish of waves produced in the network is simplifying the noisy curves into acceptable values for communication. A smaller noise limit means precise error correction.

Future Quantum internet is teleporting information, linking connected nodes. Only when all nodes have full entanglement a network is made. Teleporting in the distance transferring change through satellites transmitting sound waves or through fibre-optic cable pulsing light waves. Data waves without information about the connected elemental live of quantum computing protocols at subatomic scale. Each node holds an artificial diamond, where colors are broken into different color fields. Laser beaming red or green input/output [ 1 < = > 0 ] into diamonds, crystal color impurity as a way of sensing invisible magnetic- , electrical- , gravitational- fields. Endless strings written in base-16 HEX [ 0-9, a-f ] encrypted to be broken into an infinite ∞ range of # colors.

Those were the days, when we were all at sea. It seems like yesterday to me. Species, sex, race, class: in those days none of this meant anything at all. No parents, no children, just ourselves, strings of inseparable sisters, warm and wet, indistinguishable one from the other, gloriously indiscriminate, promiscuous and fused. No generations. No future, no past. An endless geographic plane of micromeshing pulsing quanta, limitless webs of interacting blendings, leakings, mergings, weaving through ourselves, running rings around each other, heedless, needless, aimless, careless, thoughtless, amok. Folds and foldings, plying and multiplying, plicating and replicating. We had no definition, no meaning, no way of telling each other apart. We were whatever we were up to at the time. Free exchanges, microprocesses finely tuned, polymorphous transfers without regard for borders and boundaries. There was nothing to hang on to, nothing to be grasped, nothing to protect or be protected from. Insides and outsides did not count. We gave no thought to any such things. We gave no thought to anything at all. Everything was there for the taking then. We paid no attention: it was all for free. It had been this way for tens, thousands, millions, billions of what were later defined as years. If we had thought about it, we would have said it would go on forever, this fluent, fluid world. And then something occurred to us. The climate changed. We couldn't breathe. It grew terribly cold. Far too cold for us, Everything we touched was poisonous. Noxious gases and thin toxic airs flooded our oceanic zone. Some said we had brought it on ourselves, that all our activity had backfired, that we had destroyed our environment by an accident we had provoked. There were rumors of betrayal and sabotage, whisperings of alien invasion and mutant beings from another ship. Only a few of us survived the break. Conditions were so terrible that many of those who did pull through wished they had died. We mutated to such an extent that we were unrecognizable to ourselves, banding together in units of a kind which, like everything, had been unthinkable before. We found ourselves working as slave components of systems whose scales and complexities we could not comprehend. Were we their Parasites? Were they ours? Either Way we became components of our own imprisonment. To all intents and purposes, we disappeared. [ ZEROS + ONES ] 1997 - Sadie Plant

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